Green Membership
Individual, self-employed, micro-enterprise (1 to 9 employees)
For all friends and family who want to join the Irish Mexican Community, that want to be involved in IMC events and network.
- • 1 designated member
- • Recognition as Member with logo in directory and IMC member materials.
- • IMC Logo for company to include in their website.
- • Reception of IMC web letter (Trimestral)
- • IMC as a channel for communication of Member news and events. (Emailings, social media, website)
- • Invitation to events hosted by EUROCAM and other Chambers in Mexico
- • Connection with Irish Government Agencies related to International Trade, Services, Tourism Promotion, Investment and Education
- • Discounts and promotions available through our discount scheme exclusively for members
- • Hosting of events is not available at this level.